Monday, 21 December 2015

Introducing "THE MASTERS, Hammer & Chisel"


The newest program from Beach Body "THE MASTERS, Hammer & Chisel"

My husband and I both are really excited to start this program on January 4th!  

or the very first time, trainers Sagi Kalev (creator of Body Beast) and Autumn Calabrese (creator of 21 Day Fix, and 21 Day Fix Extreme) have teamed up to bring you their proven techniques to craft a “masterpiece physique” with The Master’s Hammer and Chisel.

We have completed and loved the workout programs from these trainers.

This is just the program to keep us focused throughout the winter and ready for spring weather.  Summer bodies are made in the winter right?

What is The Master's Hammer and Chisel?
An innovative resistance-training system that includes all three phases of muscle sculpting—known as SSP Training—to rapidly build, chisel, and refine a masterpiece physique in just 60 days.

Sculpt your ultimate physique with 12 brand-new workouts that incorporate the three phases of SSP Training—Stabilization, Strength, and Power - that are essential to building a powerful, perfectly defined body.  A comprehensive program from seasoned trainers and award-winning fitness competitors, Sagi and Autumn

Includes options to adapt certain exercises if you have limited access to equipment.

Includes a modifier who demonstrates some moves at a lower intensity.

Fuel your body for demanding workouts and achieve your best results with a straightforward portion-control nutrition plan that you can customize to meet your goals - whether you want to lean out, sculpt and maintain what you've got, or build muscle. 

Who is the target audience?

Men and women looking for a comprehensive resistance-training or muscle-sculpting program.

Those who enjoy Body Beast®, 21 Day Fix®, or 21 Day Fix EXTREME®.

Those who like the motivating styles and proven training methods of trainers Sagi Kalev and Autumn Calabrese.

Those who crave a simple, flexible nutrition plan to help them reach their unique goals.

What makes The Master’s Hammer and Chisel program so effective?

The Master’s Hammer and Chisel is built on the three phases of SSP Training—Stabilization, Strength, and Power.  Other programs only focus on one or two phases, which might give you decent results. But The Master’s Hammer and Chisel program incorporates all three methods to help you relentlessly chip away fat and carve every muscle for a strong, visually stunning body in 60 days.
The program combines the expertise and proven training techniques of two seasoned trainers who’ve spent decades acquiring the tools, skills and experience need to transform your body into a masterpiece - fast. 

How does The Master’s Hammer and Chisel program differ from Body Beast and 21 Day Fix EXTREME?

Sagi Kalev and Autumn Calabrese combined their own effective body-sculpting techniques into one
comprehensive resistance-training program.

Body Beast is a bodybuilding program that focuses on muscular hypertrophy. The Master’s Hammer and Chisel includes aspects of bodybuilding, but also focuses on improving endurance, power, agility, strength, balance,

and range of motion to sculpt a powerful, defined physique.

21 Day Fix EXTREME is a shorter, goal-specific program, whereas The Master’s Hammer and Chisel is a full 60-day program with slightly longer workouts. 21 Day Fix EXTREME focuses on getting you shredded in the shortest time possible, while The Master’s Hammer and Chisel also helps you improve other aspects of your fitness, such as muscular endurance, power, strength, and agility. It’s a whole new approach to helping you achieve a strong and chiseled body.

What equipment requirements are there?

A few dumbbells of various weights appropriate to your strength and fitness level.

A bench or stability ball.

A chin-up bar or a resistance band and a door attachment.

What are the unique benefits?

A strong, chiseled, perfectly defined body.

Improved strength, power, cardiovascular endurance, balance, and agility.

Incredible definition that you might not have been able to achieve before.

The flexibility to lean out, sculpt and maintain what you have, or build muscle, depending on your unique goals.

What’s included?

• 12 workouts on 6 DVDs that rapidly build, chisel, and refine your body using SSP Training.

• A set of 7 portion-control containers and a Shakeology® shaker cup to help you master the art of nutrition—and sculpt your ultimate physique.

• The Master’s Hammer and Chisel Program and Nutrition Guide, with your straightforward eating plan, easy-to make recipes, and Sagi and Autumn’s expert tips for getting the most out of your workouts.

• Quick-Start Guide lays out your 3-step blueprint for building the body you’ve always wanted.

• 60-Day Calendar that shows you which workout to do each day for efficient and effective training.

• 10 Min Ab Hammer: Carve definition into your core while strengthening your entire ab complex.

• 10 Min Ab Chisel: This core-crusher will transform your midsection, without ever getting on the floor.

© 2015 Beachbody, LLC. All rights reserved.

Can I stream The Master’s Hammer and Chisel workouts?

Yes! If you purchase The Master’s Hammer and Chisel and become a Premium Team Beachbody® Club member, you’ll

get unlimited access to Beachbody® On Demand, where you can stream The Master’s Hammer and Chisel and hundreds of proven Beachbody workouts via any desktop, laptop, tablet, TV, or mobile device—wherever you have an internet connection. Just look for “Purchased Programs” on Beachbody On Demand to access The Master’s Hammer and Chisel.

If you are interested in this program and want to join this focused test group for 60 days with me, please message me or find me on Facebook , we get started on Monday!

Saturday, 12 December 2015

The Sweet Spot

Hey guys!
It's been awhile since I've posted.  Like all of you, we've been getting ready around our home for Christmas.  The kids elf has arrived, we've been doing lots of Christmas activities around our lovely small community and of course, Santa has been busy in his workshop. 

Author Christine Carter, PH.D.
I did have time to finish a book called
"The Sweet Spot - How to Find your Groove at Home and Work" by Christine Carter, PH.D. 
She actually has a really get website where you can find her blog, life coaching, videos, online classes and free resources.  The link to her website is HERE

I picked this book up because sometimes I can definitely feel the whelm of being a mom of three, working full time, running the kids around to hockey, skating, gym tots etc. and having a business that I love on the side.  I can sometimes feel caught up in the busyness and start to feel run down, tired, stressed and overwhelmed with everything.  Each part of these areas in my life are important to me but I know I need to slow down and make sure I've got some relax time scheduled too.  I need to check and make sure I'm balanced in all important areas equally. 

Are you busy, on the go, feeling a bit run down and looking to balance your life out a bit more? This book and tips may help you.  

How can you ease overwhelm?
Here are Christine's tips from her book:
  1. Make your bed - there is something true about the state of your bed is the state of your head.
  2. Set your phone to automatically go into silent mode an hour before your bedtime.  Enjoy the peace and quiet.
  3. Develop a way to "give good no: As in "Thank you so much for asking, but that isn't going to work out for me right now"
  4. Turn off your TV unless you intend to watch something specific.  Never watch commercials - record your show and skip through them.
  5. Eat at least one meal a day without doing anything else at the same time.  No driving, reading, or responding to email.
  6. Make decisions about routine things once.  Buy the same brands at the grocery store every time; get the same outfit in different colours so you don't have to decide what to wear every morning; prepare the same basic meals most week days.
  7. Clean out one drawer or shelf a day.  Eventually, everything in your home will have a place, and this will make it easy to find what you need when you need it.
  8. Establish "predictable time off" with your colleagues and family.  When will you commit to not working.  Start with dinnertime, work up to weekends.
  9. Stop multi-tasking.  It makes you error prone, and even though you think you're getting more done, it's actually quite inefficient.  
  10. The a good old fashion recess in the middle of the day. For every 60-90 minutes that you focus, take a 10-15 minute break.  Go outside and play/take a walk!  Or at least sit inside and daydream.
  11. Increase your ratio of positive to negative emotions by watching a silly YouTube video, expressing gratitude to someone, or reading something inspiring. 
  12. Establish a tiny time saving habit.  Put your keys by the door where you will be sure to find them.  Set up your coffee machine at night.  Sometimes a small effort today can have a big impact tomorrow!  Allow yourself to feel gleeful when you succeed.
  13. Establish a happiness habit.  Do a daily crossword puzzle if that does it for you.  Read a favourite magazine at lunch time.  Throw the ball for your dog every morning.  What would make you really happy if you did it every day?
  14. Take 10 minutes to do nothing.  Unplug from you phones and computer.  Sit down in a room where you can be alone.  Stare into space.  It's fine if you feel bored - you'll be more productive later. 
  15. Smile at the barista strike up a short conversation.  Or with the people sharing your elevator.  Or with the crossing guard.
  16. Repair a mini crack in an important relationship.  Call your mom and invite her to lunch, even though your last conversation with her was tense.  Find something nice to say to your spouse, even though he can be frustrating. 
What I have learned from this book was to really make boundaries with my time.  I wake up early to get my workout in and set my day off on the right course.  When I'm at work, I'm at work and need to shut my phone off so I'm not distracted by messages and notifications (I check those on my lunch break)  When I'm at home with my kids, again, my phone is on silent so that I'm fully into my kids and giving them all my attention.  At the end of the day I get back to message and notifications, emails when I can be fully focused on them 100%.  Then I work on my business after the kids are in bed and I can focus on that without interruptions.  My husband and I make sure we have our date night about once a week, it's nice we're able to use a babysitter now.  And we also make sure we have visits or get togethers with friends once a week too.  Stopping the multitasking has been HUGE for me.  I would find my self doing 4 different things at a time and then getting frustrated because I wasn't doing anything 100%.  We've cut our cable and only watch Netflix now, and it's usually Saturday or Friday night together for some quality time, catching up with my husband.  I really make sure to guard this time together.  If we have something on Friday then we make sure Saturday remains open for this time together and vise versa. Being 100% focused in where you are at that moment, and carving out specific time for the important things has helped me HUGE in balancing our life and schedules, it's just really works for us. 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend to relax or have some fun with family and friends. Remember to balance each and every day and really be in the moment where you are. 

There will be an announcement coming soon about the challenge group for the New Year.
This will be our biggest group yet and I would love to have you join us if you're ready to fully commit to your health and wellness. 

Do you want to keep and stick to your resolution this year and make 2016 YOUR year?
  Your happiest and healthiest?
I can help you choose a program that is right for you; keeping your fitness level, goals, lifestyle and schedule in mind.  
Along with other amazing coaches on our team, we will help support, encourage and help you stay accountable this year starting in January. 
Announcement coming soon ! 

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Favourite Chocolate Shakeology Recipes

mmmmmm, Chocolate Shakeology!
This was the game changer for me. Since I have a bit of a sweet tooth, I was able to use Shakeology to fill my need for chocolate at 3 in the afternoon, while staying on track with my goals.
It also gives me a super dose of nutrients that I can grab on the go on the weekends. 

You can read more about why I love Shakeology here
Today I wanted to share with you some of my FAVOURITE Chocolate Shakeology recipes.
I drink Vegan Chocolate daily, and just mix it with water and ice. 
It's definitely fun to play around with different recipes to have an extra special treat. 

Here are my top 10 Favourites:
1 Scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1/2 banana
1 tsp natural PB
1/4 cup almond milk
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1 tsp mint extract
1/4 cup almond milk
1 scoop chocolate shakeology
3/4 cup almond milk
1 tsp caramel extract
Dash of sea salt
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup almond milk
1 scoop chocolate Shakeology
1 cup water
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp honey
1 scoop chocolate shakeology
1 cup of almond milk
1 medium banana
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp rum extract
1 scoop chocolate shakeology
1/4 cup almond milk
1 cup strawberries (frozen or fresh)
1 scoop chocolate shakeology
1/2 cup almond milk
1 tbsp. crushed candy canes
Water and Ice
1 scoop chocolate shakeology
1 banana
1 cup almond milk
1 cup water
1 handful frozen strawberries
1 handful spinach
1 tbsp. chia seeds
1 tbsp. hemp hearts
1 scoop chocolate shakeology
1/8 tsp almond extract
1/8 tsp rum extract
1/2 cup cold coffee
1/2 cup skim milk

Looking for extra treats?  Try some of these:

This I wanted to share with you, because this is a great tidbit of information.
Why do I choose to drink shakeology each day?  I drink it each day because I know it's loaded with natural and QUALITY ingredients.  I used to drink cheaper protein shakes from Costco but this is just giving me amazing nutrients each and every day.  I didn't understand what these ingredients meant or what it did for my body so here's some information on what these natural ingredients and nutrients can do for you.  

If you would like to learn more about Shakeology or join a support and accountability group, please find me on Facebook and give me a message.  I would love to talk to you about the benefits you can expect from having Shakeology daily, and about how it can help you reach your goals.

~ Jenn

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut Squash Soup

It's been an at home kind of a weekend.  We had no where to be and no where to go so we just had a relaxing weekend as a family at home.  Enjoying some games and lots of cuddle time with movies.  Sometimes you just need to slow down.  Especially because the holidays are right around the corner and you know how crazy your weekends will be then!

I made this SUPER easy soup this afternoon.  So so easy!

This recipe is from the FIXATE Cookbook.  It serves 6 and it's 3 GREEN containers for anyone doing the Fix.

What you'll need:

  • 2 medium butternut squash, cut in half lengthwise, seeds removed.
  • 1 TBPS olive oil
  • sea salt to taste
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 4 fresh thyme springs
  • 4 cuts of low sodium vegetable broth
  • hot water
  1. Preheat oven to 425*
  2. Lay squash skin side down on a baking sheet.  Drizzle with oil
  3. Season with salt and pepper, if desired.
  4. Place on garlic clove and one thyme spring into the seed pocket of each squash half.  Cover with aluminum foil
  5. Bake for 35-40 minutes, or until squash is soft, but not dried out.  Remove from oven.  Let squash rest until it is cool enough to handle.
  6. Peel squash: discard skin and thyme.
  7. Place squash, 1 cup broth and garlic in blender, in two or more batches, if necessary; cover with lid and kitchen towel.  Blend until smooth.  I just used my bullet for this.
  8. Place squash mixture and remaining 3 cups broth in large saucepan; cook, over medium0high heat, stirring frequently, for 5-8 minutes, or until hot.  If soup is too thick add water.
  9. Evenly divide soup into six serving bowls, enjoy!

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Little Black Dress Challenge & Meal Plan

The holidays are slowly sneaking up on us aren't they? 

We just got over Halloween and I may have indulged in a few sweets, it's those DANG Reeses Peanut Butter Cups!  

But this journey is about progress not perfection and I'd like to compare this Halloween with last year and I didn't do as bad as last year.  I credit a lot of that progress over last year to our challenge group.  I had to stay accountable to those challengers and so I kept the treats to a minimum this year. 

Looking forward into the holiday season of gatherings, parties, Christmas baking, appetizers and big festive meals, this season can be kind of tricky to navigate through.  Of course we want to enjoy the holiday but we also don't want to erase all our hard work this year AND we want to look our best at all the parties and gatherings we get to go to.  

Do you want to finish this year stronger than you started?
Do you want to walk into that Christmas party feeling confident and freakin' fantastic in your LBD ?

Then join us for our Little Black Dress Challenge

There are many people that will work their way around excuses this holiday season, but if you've got a strong desire for change and a reason WHY you want the change, then I truly believe this group is going to work for you.  

We've got 6 weeks until Christmas can you believe that?

What if I told you that you would be able to lose 10-25 pounds by then.  Would you be committed? 

 Would you be all in and finish this year stronger than you started?

What is the recipe for Success?
  1. A Reason - You need a strong reason why you want to do this.  I have heard many reasons over the past year and all very great reasons to why people need and want change.  They want to set a great example for their kids. They want more energy.  They want to fit back into their clothes again.  They want to lose the baby weight.  They need to lower their blood pressure.  They are pre-diabetic.  They want to surprise their spouse.  They have a vacation coming up and want to feel great on the beach.  They want to prove others that they can do it and they want to prove it to themselves.  So SO many reasons. for change.  What would yours be?  It needs to be strong enough to take you through those hard days.  Those days when the novelty of starting something has worn off, and you really need to push through the motions.  That reason needs to be stronger than your excuses.  Something that will drive you to change and NOT to remain the same.
  2. Tools - You need the right tools to do any job right?  To have success this holiday season you need to have the right tools.  You need a plan, and for a lot of people, they need structure.  We all know weigh loss comes down to what we put into our body and our activity level.  What if I told you that I could give you a fool proof plan of workouts and nutrition together so that you can finally lose that weight you want to for good.
  3. Support - You could do this on your own, but why do fitness on your own when you could be surrounded each and everyday with people like you with the same mindset, goals and struggles as you.  What if we could have a little fun with this along the way?  Check in daily with our team, get motivated and keep your head in the game.  A place where you could ask questions, get support and feedback and tips and tricks?  Your own little fit family that you could talk to each and everyday?  Would you take advantage of this tool?

I was able to lose 35 pounds this past year and that was because I put in place those three things above.

I had a strong reason why - I was sick of the place I was at.  After YEARS of my weight going up and down and up and down, I FINALLY wanted to be a place where I felt comfortable in my own skin and just focus on maintaining my weight.  After trying everything out there, I knew it really came down to exercise AND nutrition (which is where I struggled)

I came across the right tools from my coach that reached out to me on day. Fool proof tools, and all I had to do was follow it.  Twenty One days at a time to slowly form these new healthy habits.  The 21 Day Fix challenge pack had a calendar of certain workouts for each day of the week.  They were fast and easy to find time in my day to get it done.  The nutrition plan was simple and Shakeology curbed by daily struggle with cravings.  I had the right tools for my struggles.

I also had support.  I had people cheering me on, we all wanted to lose weight so we all made sure we got our workouts in and stuck to our food plan the best we could.  We shared what was working for us and we got recognition for a job well done.  We were doing it together and I really owe all my results to them because some days, they really lifted me up.

So that's the GAME PLAN this holiday season.  Would this be valuable for you? 
Lets put in place the 80/20 rule and do this together. 

What can you expect from the Little Black Dress Challenge Group?

1.  A health and fitness program to fit your needs in 30 minutes or less each day.
2.  Sample meal plans and recipes to help you stay accountable, to help you with quick easy meals and snacks to fit your lifestyle.
3.  Daily accountability through a closed online support group.
4.  Tips on handling holiday parties, a restaurant guide, traveling tips, healthy alternatives to holiday favorites.
5.  Motivation, Accountability every single day to help you end the year stronger than you started.  

What if you could lose a few pounds this holiday season, rock in the New Year feeling confident and not defeated yet HAVE A REALLY GREAT AND ENJOYABLE HOLIDAY SEASON   

So what are the requirements?
1.  You must be a customer of mine on TeamBeachbody, which means that I am assigned as your FREE coach.  If you already have a coach please reach out to the person you work with.  If you do not have an account, complete the application below.
2.  You must commit to a  fitness program and nutrition plan in which we will discuss options that are best for you, your ability level, your time constraints and your needs.  
3.  You must commit to checking into the accountability group daily and reporting progress.

Along with my team of coaches, we are pumped up for this challenge group and we KNOW this will help you reach your goals.  We are committed to you and will help you each step of the way.  
Are you in?  Does this sound like something you would like to do???

Please fill out this application and I will get in contact with you within 24-48 hours to get you all set up and started. 

To get you all set and started THIS WEEK toward your goals I have included my meal plan for next week here.  

I am so sorry to you all I have been SLACKING in doing this!  I haven't been meal planning in a couple weeks because our weekends have been so busy.  What do you think happened?  YUP!  I started grabbing the quicker food options and started to wonder off track with my food so I'm dedicated to starting this again because I definitely notice a difference in my results.  When it's all planned out and even prepped ahead of time I just mindlessly grab and go in the morning.  The healthy food becomes the more convenient foods!  But it takes a bit of planning but I've saved you a bit of work here.  
If you're following the 21 Day Fix nutrition plan and want to switch something up, grab that book and just swap out a food in the container colour for another, easy peasy! 
If you've got any question feel free to email me at or find me on Facebook.


 I hope you all have a wonderful week.  Thank you for taking time and reading this and / or following me on Facebook.  

~ Jenn 

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Coaching at a Glance

I keep reminiscing about this past Super Saturday event in Toronto with Autumn Calabrese and how much fun it was to hear and workout with the 21 Day Fix's creator. 
Seeing so many Ontario coaches in the area dedicated to helping others live happier and healthier lives. What a wonderful thing to be a part of!
I started out as a coach with Beachbody because I was following one of their programs (21 Day Fix) and was finally losing the baby weight I had gained from pregnancy(s). All it was, was 30 minutes of exercise daily and eating a balanced diet. I had struggled with this weight for a very long time so I was ecstatic that my weight was finally going down on the scale each morning! Diet and exercise, who would have thought eh -- (Ya, took me years to figure out that it's never a quick fix) It took work and it took accountability from support groups and it took really looking at my diet and being honest about what I was consuming.
I think the success came from a combination of the program, Shakeology, and the support I got in the challenge groups.
When I decided to sign up as a coach, I was NOT at my goal weight, and I didn't see myself as inspirational and I already had a full time job I loved. But as a busy mom of three, I craved some time to do my own thing and to do something that I was passionate about.
Being a coach helps me stay on track, and focused.
I'm able to meet new amazing and inspiring people each and every month that are working through their weight loss journeys.
This fills my cup each and every day to see people changing their habits and lives and feeling better about themselves, all just from reaching out and sharing my story.
I'm able to fit this job into my day as a full time working mom.
It has opened up doors for our family financially that are really exciting too.
Right now, our team has a sneak peak group open to anyone that is interested in this opportunity.
If you like to help others, and want to stay on track with your own fitness goals, and maybe just a little bit interested in learning how this opportunity can change your life too, comment below to be added to the group.
You do NOT have to be a size 4 to be a coach. You do not have to be a fitness expert either.
No participation needed for this group either, this is just us coaches sharing our stories of how coaching has impacted us for the better and what it potentially can do for you.


Flat Belly Meal Plan & Autumn Calabrese in TO

Hey guys!
I haven't been able to do up a meal plan in the past couple weeks because we've been on the go like crazy!
Off to Toronto with my hubby
Last weekend my husband and I along with some other coaches on our team attended a Super Saturday even the Beach Body holds quarterly.  We learned about upcoming programs that they are working on, we hear incredible weight loss stories from people that just decided to try a program but in the end it had completely changed their lives.  This one women regained her life back after battling depression and loss.  Those stories give me chills I just love hearing about how other people have overcome harder times and just finally focused on their health and have gained just their life back.  Incredible.  We also hear from motivational speakers and then do a fun workout all together.  All different coaches, all different fitness levels but we're all in one place, learning how to reach out and help others.
Oh, and guess who the special guest of honor was..... AUTUMN CALABRESE!
If you've been following me for a while, you'll know that she is the creator of the most wonderful program 21 Day Fix.  That was the program that had helped me lose 35 pounds, and then inspired me to pay it forward and help others in their journey too.  Great program you can read more about my story HERE
It was incredible to hear from her and workout with a real fitness trainer. 
It's awesome just to be surrounded by people with big goals and big dreams. 

Highlights from Super Saturday

I think my biggest take away from the event was hearing from Autumn about how she was persistent and persevered about an idea that they were working on.  And this is the same in anything you are working hard in, a new skill or new business.  When things get tough or hard and maybe you start to doubt yourself just a little, question is, are you going to stick with it and persevere, or walk away. 

It is natural when starting something new you are going to hear doubts, or sceptics or criticism.  Question is, are you going to listen to other peoples opinions, or are you going to keep pushing and working at it when you KNOW you have it in you.  When you know you are capable and it's making you happy and a better person. 

Its kind of like a Fight of Flight scenario right?

Say you are working hard in your workouts all week and you've been on par with your nutrition, and you step on that scale after a really great week and you don't see any change. (but really change did happen there are so many things that can make up that number on the scale)  Okay so when you see no change, are you going to quit?  Are you going to give flight?  Or are you going to fight the next week just as hard and believe it will catch up because you know you're doing the right things.
Flight or Fight
Give up or Go for it, the choice is always yours. 

Let me tell you to, that the moment I feel I've had enough or the moment I have felt like throwing in the towel, that is the pivotal point in which something starts to change significantly. No one wants to live with regrets, so trust your heart, and keep at it.
It was a great event and I was happy to have my husband there for support so he could see how amazing this is. I think he enjoyed seeing Autumn too.
So, with that going on last week I wasn't able to meal plan.  ANd guess what happened...... I grabbed a bunch of food at the grocery store as soon as we got back but I didn't plan, and it made for a really difficult week of trying to throw healthy meals and snacks together.  After meal planning and prepping for awhile, I just know that's what I have to do in order for our week to run smoothly and for me to stick to healthy eating instead of grabbing quick fixes so,  I have attached the meal plan here:

DAY #1
Breakfast: Veggie Packed Frittata.
Lunch: Easy Burritos. Making a simple burrito is a great way to have a simple healthy lunch filled with protein and fiber. All you need to do is fill a whole grain tortilla with beans, spinach leafs, and a small amount of cheese and heat in the microwave. Garnish with as much salsa as you like, but be sure to check that your salsa choice has no added sugars.
Dinner: Southwestern Stuffed Spaghetti Squash.
Day #2  
Breakfast: Overnight Oats.
Lunch: Lettuce Wraps. Skip the carb loaded bread and effortlessly add extra greens to your lunch by skipping the bread on your favorite sandwich in favor of wrapping up your sandwich in large lettuce leaves.
Dinner: Salmon and asparagus. As an added bonus your veggie sides are cooked right alongside the salmon!

Day #3  
Breakfast: Super Toast. Top a piece of whole grain toast with thinly sliced avocado and an egg cooked however you prefer. This satisfying breakfast has everything you need to keep you going all morning.
Lunch: A Better PBJ. Ditch the sugary kids version of a peanut butter and jelly in favor of this tasty grown up alternative. Spread your favorite peanut butter or nut butter (check to make sure it has no added sugars!) on a low carb tortilla and top with finely chopped berries. Enjoy a side of kale chips.
Dinner: Turkey Burgers. Looking to mix it up from traditional burgers? Try these tasty and healthy turkey burgers. Use thick slices of tomato or large leaves of lettuce in lieu of bun. Top with leftover avocado from breakfast and serve with a side of oven baked sweet potato fries. 
Day #4
Breakfast: Green Smoothie. Green smoothies are an awesome way to set the day for a day full of healthy eating. Add a handful of greens, a frozen banana, a few blueberries, and enough milk/milk alternative to reach your preferred consistency to the blender to create a dynamic green smoothie.
Dinner: Steak Kabobs. *omit sugar in recipe and use stevia or honey instead. A small baked potato drizzled with olive oil is perfect.
Snack: Fruit Dippers. Slice up your favorite fruits and dip them fondue style in plain yogurt swirled with a teaspoon of honey and cinnamon to taste for a fun and easy snack full of antioxidants!

Day #5
Breakfast: Savory Breakfast Bowl. Use sautéed greens of your choice as the base of your breakfast bowl, top with lean chicken sausage, and diced sweet potato. Somewhat unconventional for breakfast, but this filling, protein packed breakfast will keep you going without weighing you down.
Lunch: Tuna Stuffed Avocado. Pit an avocado and fill with canned wild caught tuna. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice. Enjoy with an apple on the side.
Dinner: Loaded Greek Salad. Top with grilled chicken for added protein.

Day #6
Breakfast: Power Parfait. Layer plain Greek yogurt with berries and toasted oats for a breakfast that tastes like a dessert, but fuels you up!
Lunch: Greek Salad Pita. Use leftovers from your salad last night to fill half a whole grain tortilla for an easy and tasty lunch.
Dinner: Cauliflower Stir Fry. Toss in sautéed shrimp  or chicken for added protein.

Day #7 
Breakfast: Pumpkin oatmeal.
Lunch: Quick Quesadilla. Fill a whole grain or gluten free tortilla with loads of spinach, slices of avocado, and a sprinkle of cheese. Pan fry in coconut oil for a crispy finish or microwave if you’re pressed for time.
Dinner: Quinoa Bake.

Let me know if you guys enjoyed this meal plan.
You can find me on FACEBOOK or send me an email at if you have any questions, I'd love to chat.
Next challenge group will be opening up in another couple of weeks so be on the look out for an announcement for that.  That group will take us up to Christmas, so if you're looking to trim down before Santa arrives, be sure to apply for that group.  Limited spaces will be available.

Have a terrific week guys!